Naomi Watts


Naomi Ellen Watts (born 28 September 1968) is an British actress from Britain. Following the move of her family to Australia, Watts made her film film debut there with For Love Alone (1986). She later appeared on three television series, Hey Dad.. (1990), Brides of Christ(91), as well as Home and Away (91), and Flirting (1991). Watts made the move to America in 2000. Her first experience was a struggle as an actor. In fact, she was only able to fill minor roles in films prior to becoming an aspiring actress in David Lynch's Mulholland Drive psychological thriller. Her rise to fame internationally was brought about by this part. Watts was later a gruelling journalist in the horror remake The Ring (2002). Her portrayal of the mother grieving in Alejandro's 21 Grams (2003) was nominated her for the Academy Award. She continued to rise in fame with her performances in I Heart Huckabees (2004) and King Kong (2005) as also Eastern Promises (2007) and The International (2009). As a character in Maria Bennett in the disaster film The Impossible (2012), Watts received an additional Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. She appeared in films like Birdman (2014) St. Vincent (2014) and While We're Young (2015). Watts kept her acting career going through major roles in blockbusters, including Divergent (2015-2016).


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